Presents The ART of Celebrity Photography Podcast

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Something So Right...

Like any new venture (well, at least that I've been involved with) most everyone around me has a tendency to look a bit askew at me, and I can see on their faces that old look on their face, as if to say,..."just what the hell is he up to now"???!!!

Let me, for the uninformed, tick off a few....
Let's see.. not necessarily in order of appearance....

Decided I wanted to make a living with my camera (foolish me)
Got hired by the NY Post as a staff photographer right after the strike of '78
and then left three years later
Started a photo agency (miserable experience-no computers, no nothing 'cept a Telex)
Got hired by the NY Post again....
Left again three years later (what IS it with me, huh????)
Spent four years at Globe Photos (that was... interesting!)

Burned out shooting celebs, while covering Ivana Trump at the Plaza,
got me a ticket to FLA, moved the family down there so I could be a
Photo Editor at the GLOBE
(that was really interesting, except the marriage didn't last Florida...
Started a new photo agency in 1995 (PHOTOlink)
went full time with it in '96 (foolish me)

After 16 years in South Florida, got rid of the condo, packed the car, came back
to my hometown of NY (that was wonderful), except for dealing with State Taxes
for the first time in 16 years!), and oh yeah, froze my tush off last winter. I was, after-
all, used to cooking an egg on the sidewalk for 16 years. A cold spell in Miami lasted
maybe two days...

Started a podcast.. (that was reallly..... hmmm, well, cool!)
I could tell everyone thought I was off my rocker (I keep telling anyone
that has a heartbeat that I've been off my rocker for years-nothing new there...)

Whispers around town: Where's he going with this?
What's up with that podcast?

Well, it would be nice to pick up a few paid sponsors for some bus money...
six episodes under my belt now, and, like, all of a sudden, I'm not feeing like
the butt end of a Laurel & Hardy joke, along the lines of.."another fine mess
you've gotten (me/us) into!

Getting very positive responses from everyone. One agency owner in LA loved
the interview with Arty Pomerantz - said he wanted to hear more from Arty! Part 2 coming!
You see, it's about crossing lines... or thinking outside the box...
The guests like it-they get a free plug or two), and these mostly unsung
people get a chance to tell their side of things without fear of being put
on the spot ( I very much follow the Larry King style, and go out of my way
not to be at all confrontational; whatever my guest does and does not want to
talk about is ducky with me....

Field of Dreams; If you build it, they will come. Very slowly, I seem to be (well, I hope)
breaking down any fears that people in our field have about joining me and chatting
about this very unique line of work. I mean, if an LA photo agency owner tells me he
really liked the Pomerantz episode, then I just know I'm doing something right.....

I hope some more of you in the business give me a chance, and say yes when
I write you, and get over your hesitancy and join me for a show. The majority of you
have quite a tale to tell, and I think the listeners are really enjoying the stories of
your collective experiences.

Y'all aren't shy about stepping up to get your shots; please don't be shy about
coming forward and sharing your stories with me and the burgeoning audience.

Give me a chance. And make sure you tell that story of when you...... yeah that story!

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