Where am I headed, eh? That's like someone asking me where do i want to be in five years. The answer to that one is : "I'm still working on tomorrow!"
Ok. So. Let's do a little bit of forensic analysis, shall we?
Been a celeb shooter for 34 years, 12 of which I was married. Been a photo editor, celeb shooter, a former hubby, and have been running an agency for 15 years. I mention my ex-hubby status for a reason; back then, I had someone to vent to sometimes... was able to tell about some of my (mis) adventures of the day or week (once forgetting to load film in the camera during a press conference!).... but at least i still had (to a degree) a sympathetic ear.
Now, since we're talking forensics here.... I've noticed a.... peculiar thing. Sometimes... well, make that more than sometimes, when a potographer gets on the phone with me, the
married ones... well, they do go on... and talk, and talk... you get the idea.
One of them was going on and on so much, I asked him two questions outright:
1- was he married?
2-did he talk to his wife this much? To wit, without hesitating for a heartbeat, he said no.
AHA!!!!!! the game's afoot! What upheaval has derailed him???
My point: photogs are talking amongst themselves during the red carpet
about the podcast (that is good). They were talking about me (that was.. ok_
They weren't talking trash about me (that is always good). They were rhetorically)
asking where was i going with this (That is.. well.. not really a bad question!)
Answer: Same as above. Still working on tomorrow! The show: no clue. BUT.....
There are some things i do know (contrary to popular opinion!)
It's a fair guess that many of the photos are in a relationship or married.
It's a fair guess that the photographer can't always vent about his work, furstrations
or any and all of his feelings when he wants an ear.
Sidebar: When I did my first interview with photographer Fernando Leon, I asked
him if his agencies really talked to him, encouraging him, talking about the quality
if his work (good and bad). Also, didn't miss a beat and said no.
So it occurs to me that for the most part, the (celeb) photographer who is out most
nights, still can't get any respect!!!!!
So, from a non-partisan position, I am giving the celeb photographer the chance to
vent, to talk about what i consider a very unique form of photography; it's greatness,
it's frustrations, it's rewards, it's decline.
It also doesn't take rocket science to understand that there is a huge audience of listeners
who also want to know about the energy, glamour (don't role your eyes, you jaded photographers!) and excitement about this special kind of shooting.
The podcast is about you for a general audience, and a professional audience. No state
secrets here need be given out. It's more about the laughable situations, the ironies of it all, and how your skill comes through in such difficult circumstances.
All you have to do is dig around and listen to any of Weegee's audio interviews
about covering "moidas" (murders), and how the "stiffs" he knew weren't going
anywhere fast, that make me want to do this audio podcast.
Perhaps, through listening to your experiences, one could learn that you do
deserve respect for a difficult job well done.
Use this opportunity to try to set some fallacies straight (you are a nice person!)
Use this opportunity to promote yourself in a positive light
I mean, if no one else is going to pat you on the back and say well done,
you might as well do it yourself!!!!!!!!!
How's that for some fine forensic analysis???!!!
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